In these blog posts we explore details of Breaking Equity Marketplace Strategies, their thesis and results. Every strategy described is available on the Marketplace and can be executed via Broker integrations.
The Thesis
Both $GME and $AMC still get a lot of attention. For example r/GME sub-reddit community has 361k members with 5–10 daily posts and quite active participation.
Moreover companies do not shy away from heating up the retail interest and actively engage into market frenzy.
In such environment we should be able to make money from rapid runs up and down.
The Strategy
The whole idea is to capture rapid run up hence the Strategy leverages 3min EMA 13×50 EMA Cross and a 1% trailing stop loss and maximum of 4 trades daily.
Note that the Strategy always exits before market closes at 3:57pm and never holds overnight to avoid crazy moves that can not be controlled.
The Results
We are yet to see how long the meme stocks can draw enough attention before they become history. In such setup we only review the results of the strategy for 2022 YTD. $5,000 at the beginning of 2022 resulted in ~$10,300 portfolio value on Sep 19, 2022 with ~13.5% maximum draw down.

The strategy has been developed, tested and executed live with Breaking Equity Algo Lab. The post is not a financial/investment advice and presented to the audience for educational purposes.